this is not the origin of the previously mentioned tradition , but is what remains from the days of whaling . これは前述の伝承の起源ではなく、鯨漁をしていた時代の名残である。
this was a factor in the original equations and derivative polynomial having a common root , and it was an application of the previously mentioned elimination theory . これは、元の方程式とその導多項式が共通解をもつための条件にほかならず、先の消去の理論の応用である。
keifuku electric railroad ' s acceptance of kyoto city ' s proposal of the construction of the previously mentioned new station (the randen-tenjingawa station ) is also , in a way , a countermeasure against jr . 先の新駅(嵐電天神川駅)建設について京都市の提案を京福電鉄が受けたのも、JRに対する対抗策という面がある。